Old 2018—2019 Programs
Fall 2018
August 27 Meeting starts at 6:30. Introductions. Photos from your summer. No Altered Reality prints.
September 17 Club Projects: Model shoot (Randy) and Barn Bones (Willy). Bring a 5 to 10 of your photos from either or both of these club photo shoots, or come and see how people saw the same things differently. If you were at both, being 10 from each.
We will also be showing pictures from the N4C convention so if you were there please being a few to share!
October 1 Critique Night #1. Bring 5 to 10 photos for friendly and constructive critique.
Double Altered Reality Prints; No Digital Altered Reality
October 15 Transform that Photo (Celine)
October 18 Judging Meeting: Digital Altered Reality
November 5 Calendar photos: 12 photos you’re thinking about putting on a calendar for 2019
Double Digital Altered Reality; No Altered Reality Prints
November 19 Critique Night #2. Bring 5 to 10 photos for friendly and constructive critique.
Winter/Spring 2019
January 7 How to Make a Photo Essay (Bob and/or Randy [Windows], Mark [Apple])
Double Altered Reality Prints
January 21 Club Projects: Fairs (state, county, city, park) and Sky (clouds, lightning, storms-be safe!, sunrise/set, etc) Bring 5 to 10 of your photos from either or both of these club photo shoots.
(MLK Day)
February 4 Returns from January contest; First photo essay critique; Photo critiques if there's time
No Digital Travel; No Altered Reality Prints
February 18 Critique Night #3: Bring 5 to 10 photos for friendly and constructive critique
Presidents Day
February 20 Judging Meeting: Digital Travel
March 4 Returns from February contest; The main program is in two related parts, which might be called 1) What’s In Your Bag? and 2) What You Might Add to Your Bag.
1) What’s In Your Bag – please bring, or be prepared to tell us about – any new or unusual camera equipment that you find highly useful. We interpret “in your bag” broadly, to include software or techniques, not just camera equipment.
2) What You Might Add to Your Bag – Hope and Gerry Solomon are hoping to find a good home for their camera equipment, which they are no longer able to use. (Gerry’s 98th birthday is coming up soon.) The 15 items up for auction include cameras and lenses (Canon), tripods, bags, and other items. Larry Meister will be our auctioneer. Perhaps he is practicing his auctioneer’s vocal skills, even at this moment. Proceeds will go to the Iowa City Camera Club. Unsold items will be donated to the Clear Creek High School photography program.
Double Altered Reality Prints; Double Digital Travel
March 18 Second photo essay critique and Critique Night #4: Bring 5 to 10 photos for friendly and constructive critique
April 1 Returns from the March contest; How did you do that? (Mary and Kristel)
Double Digital Journalism; No Altered Reality Prints
April 15 Christine Flavin, Instructor, Photography at Kirkwood
Christine’s unique photography explores history and culture by combining digital technology with historic photographic processes. Her work has been exhibited internationally and is in permanent collections at several galleries and museums, including the Museum of Contemporary Photography. She has published two photographic manuals for students and teachers, and has lectured nationwide at museums and universities on the history of photography.
May 3-5 N4C Spring Mini-Convention near Des Moines, see http://www.n4c.us/ for information
May 6 1) Returns from the April contest
2) Club Projects: Sutliff (Challenge yourself to try multiple perspectives or interpretations) and Photo outing (TBD). Bring 5 to 10 of your photos from either or both of these club photo shoots
3) What Makes this Photo Great? Kristel and Mark have come up with a new approach to “critique.”
No Digital Journalism; Double Altered Reality Prints.
May 20 Guest Speaker: Richard Sjolund. Richard has been taking breathtaking photographs since he was 15 years old. He has traveled extensively around the world and has the portfolio to prove it!
May 22 Judging Meeting: Digital Journalism
June 3, 2019 Meeting starts at 6:30. Planning Meeting for 2019-2020