Monthly Contests
Introduction to N4C contests
The N4C
The Iowa City Camera Club is a member of the North Central Camera Club Council, or N4C. We are one of over 30 clubs in several midwestern states in the N4C. As a member club, our individual Iowa City Club members can submit their photos to the monthly contests held by N4C.
Member Codes
To enter one of these contests, you need to be assigned a member code. All our club’s member codes begin with “JA”, which is followed by a three-digit number. My member code, for instance, is JA032. I assign members a code when they express an interest in entering a competition. Your request for a member code should be submitted to me (Mark Gromko: my email address is, ideally a month before the contest in which you first wish to compete. I will then forward your code to the N4C rep (currently Ken Johnson) who will enter your information and code into the N4C data base.
Competition Categories
There are six digital contests, in the following categories: Journalism (DJ), Travel (DT), Nature (DN), Pictorial (DP), B&W (DB), and Altered Reality (DA). There are six print competitions, too, in the same six categories (but without the “D” for digital). Descriptions of the categories are in the N4C Handbook on pages F-8 and F-9. Other rules (e.g., file size limits and pixel dimensions, and naming conventions for images that you enter) follow on pages F-9 and F-10. See and scroll down to F-8. Please read these descriptions and rules before entering!
In addition to reading the category descriptions, it is very helpful to look at the winners of past digital competitions. These are posted in the Winner Galleries on the N4C web page at
Clubs take turns acting as judges of all the competitions. In a month when they judge, a club may not enter the competition in which they judge. In compensation, they are allowed double entries in the following month. The Iowa City Camera Club is assigned to judge four digital competitions and one print competition in the 2023-2024 year.
Any of the club members listed as “Mentors” on the Iowa City Camera Club web site would be available and gratified to help with any questions or problems you might have about the N4C competitions. See
Mark Gromko
March 2024
September through May – Digital and Print
N4C contests are held monthly from September through May (but not December).
Our club Prints are collected for submission by the 4th of the month by:
Altered Reality Prints CY Mark Gromko
Color Prints CP Mark Gromko
Nature Prints NP Mark Gromko
Travel Prints TP Randy Moyer
Journalism Prints JP Randy Moyer
B&W Prints BW Mark Gromko
Our club Digital Images are collected for submission before the 10th of the judging month to:
Digital Pictorial DP Mark Gromko
Digital Nature DN Jan Waterhouse
Digital Altered Reality DA Bob Rude
Digital Travel DT Randy Moyer
Digital Journalism DJ Mark Gromko
Digital Black & White DB Jan Waterhouse