Old 2019-2020 Programs
Fall 2019
Aug 26, 2019 Share 10 to 15 of your summer photos, chat and socialize! Last year we tried limiting time rather than number; we counted the number of people sharing and divided the time remaining by the number of people, and tried to limit each person to that amount of time which seems to work well, so we’ll try that again Monday so don’t feel that 10 to 15 photos is a hard limit.See you Monday!
Sep 16 Change in rules for judging starting Sep 2019
TCI we’ve been using OR a 9 point scale;
Do you want to be a judge/how to rate your own photos: 3 people using TCI and 3 using 9 point system judging pre-submitted photos and talking briefly about why they judged as they did (Mark)
Sep 19-21 N4C Annual Convention in Des Moines, see http://www.n4c.us/ for more information.
Oct 7 Critique night #1
Our topics are returns from the September contests and Critique night #1.
If you’re new, our critique is friendly and constructive, some people bring 2 or 3 variations of the same photo and ask which they should submit, some ask for how could they improve their photos and some want to see what others think of their latest photos.
For the critique, we’ll divide the time evenly between the people bringing photos.
No DB entries in the N4C contest this month
Oct 21 Monitor calibration, Printing, Mounting, How to prepare photo for a commercial printer (Mark, Willy, Bob)
Oct 23 DB Judging in Meeting Room B, not A
Nov 4 Personal Photo web site – There are many ways to do one such as WIX, WordPress, Smugmug, Flickr, etc. Several club members will show what they want to show/do with their web site, where to find online tutorials on how to do it, cost (Tom Ward, Alyssa Azhari, John Johnson)
Double DB entries in the N4C contest this month
Nov 18 Speaker Kim Pagel of Photo Pro in Cedar Rapids. He will talk about events they have coming up, their services including printing, what’s new in gear, mirrorless cameras, and showcase some new equipment.
Winter/Spring 2020
Jan 6, 2020 Club project – model shoot
Show your photos (up to 10) from each of the summer Photo Shoots Randy organized.
Jan 20 (MLK Day) Lighting, both studio and flash (Randy)
Feb 3 – NO meeting – Iowa Caucuses
Feb 4 Small meetup to collect prints for February competition, no normal meeting
Feb 17 Photo Essay and Critique #2
We’ll divide the time between number of people asking for critique.
Returns from last month’s N4C contests.
No DT entries in the N4C contest this month.
Feb 19 DT Judging in room B
Mar 2 Photo Essay #2 and Critique #3
We’ll divide the time between number of people asking for critique.
Returns from last month’s N4C contests.
Double DT entries in the N4C contest this month
Mar 16 Using Zoom for an online only meeting, not meeting at Rec Center!
Club Projects: Night shoot; light painting (Mary); Portals
Club Project: Bring up to 10 of your photos from one of the outings for night shoot and/or light painting.
Mary will talk about what she learned over the summer.
Club Project Portals: Bring 5 to 10 pictures of portals. A portal is a doorway, window, arch, etc., where the viewer sees beyond. This is your opportunity to be capture what catches your eye and/or see what altered reality things you can do and then share with the club. I grabbed several examples of portals from Pixabay to help generate ideas. Let’s find out what interesting things we can find between now and March! Samples are at https://iowacitycameraclub.us/portal-examples/
Alyssa suggested an alternative for Monday of an online meeting using Zoom, and Mark and I think it should work out well for us. Zoom works for audio/video/screen sharing from Windows and Apple.
What you need to do:
1. Have a computer/laptop with camera ready and earphones (if possible for better audio quality).
2. Get the folder with images that you want to share at the meeting ready on your desktop, so when it’s your time to share your screen, it is faster or you can send them to me via email before the meeting and I’ll share them for you.
3. 4. If you have never used zoom before, you’ll need to allow Zoom to access your webcam and microphone. If you don’t have either it’s OK, you can still use it to watch & listen. You might be asked to download and run a zoom plugin, that should be safe to do.
If you’ve never used Zoom before, it’s very easy, and if you want they have some free online tutorials at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials including:
Apr 6 Back to the Basics (Mark, John)
Much can be done with basic adjustments. The same basic adjustments appear as sliders in many different programs, including LightRoom, PhotoShop, Topaz, and others.
Returns from last month’s N4C contests.
Double AR entries in the N4C contest this month
Apr 20 Planning for trips
Mary, Kristel and Mark talk for a few minutes each about some of their trips, the gear they use, any special planning they do for taking travel photos and show some of their photos.
Apr 24-26 Canceled this year N4C mini-convention near Des Moines, see http://www.n4c.us/ for information
May 4 Critique night #4
Returns from April; Critique night – we’ll divide the time between number of people asking for critique.
Returns from last month’s N4C contests.
No AR entries in the N4C contest this month
May 18 Kristie Burns of Cameras for Conservancy will speak about Wildlife Photography, and will include photos from Madagascar, Minnesota, California, Florida, and of course, Iowa.
May 20 AR Judging
Jun 1 Planning meeting for 2020-2021